Nervous system regulation is all over the internet these days but what actually is it? And how does it work?
Let's start with the basics: What is the Nervous System?
The nervous system is a remarkable network in our bodymind that plays a pivotal role in movement, cognition, physiological processes, perception, and more. When we speak of nervous system regulation we are most often speaking about the autonomic nervous system and it's two branches, sympathetic, commonly called "fight or flight," and parasympathetic or "rest and digest." A healthy the nervous system has the ability to flow through sympathetic and parasympathetic activation while staying in the window of tolerance.
What causes dysregulation?
There are a myriad of factors that can cause dysregulation, including shock trauma, CPTSD, ancestral trauma, hormonal imbalance, chronic illness, injury, life stress and more. When something in life is too much, too fast, or not enough for too long, the nervous system will optimize for survival, and if it gets stuck there, we have dysregulation. Neurodiverse, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA-plus folks are more at risk for dysregulation because the world is inherently more challenging for them.
Think of dysregulation in terms of bandwidth or the "window of tolerance." The window of tolerance is the space available for the system do everything it needs (including keeping you alive) without getting dysregulated. If there has been trauma or a lot of stress, the window of tolerance is extremely narrow and anything extraneous creates dysregulation.
Along with dysregulation come defensive accommodations, so-called "problems or disorders. Defensive accommodations are smart ways the nervous system is working to bring in faux regulation until true regulation can happen. That's why, in my work I never demonize them, they play an essential part of our survival .
An example of a defensive accommodation is social isolation, which is a very smart strategy for someone whose window of tolerance is narrow but can lead to a lonely life. Over time, the implications of living in a state of dysregulation with defensive accommodations are serious setting us up for health issues and limiting our ability to fully experience life.
Common defensive accommodations include:
Doom scrolling
Financial issues
Sexual dysfunction
Eating disorders
Drug and alcohol issues
Problems with relationships and intimacy
Binging on Netflix
Body dysmorphia
Risk-avoiding and risk-seeking behaviors
How do we regulate, and what does it feel like?
Because the nervous system is in the body, the best and most effective way to address dysregulation is through the body with somatic practices like certain yoga styles, breathing techniques, or modalities such as Transforming Intentional Touch or Somatic Experiencing.
The deepest and most lasting regulation happens in relationships. Our bodies are wired for touch, and because we are inherently social creatures, we heal through co-regulation. In Transforming Touch we use specific protocols that address key parts of the nervous system. It is one of the most detailed regulation focused modality I have found.
There is no pill, quick fix, or magical practice for regulation. The internet is full of people selling something, and I want you to know that nervous system regulation is a slow and steady practice of building capacity and widening the window of tolerance, so all the magic life is fully available.
It's important to note that a regulated nervous system is not:
Being calm all the time
Being happy all the time
A life without suffering
"A regulated nervous system does not exempt you from having human experiences."
A regulated nervous system is:
Joy without clinging
Intimacy without overwhelm
Love without manipulation
A regulated nervous system can expand and contract WITH life. As our bandwidth expands defensive accommodations no longer play a role in our lives, and instead, we are able to open to the potential within us and all around us. It allows to be fully ourselves and move towards ours desires with ease. A regulated nervous system is the experience of being fully alive and it feels amazing.
In conclusion
Regulation is the nervous system's ability to flow through sympathetic and parasympathetic activation without getting stuck on either side of the spectrum, allowing us to be fully alive and ourselves. Dysregulation is an imbalance where one part is carrying more of the load and using defensive accommodations to manage. Without treatment, the consequences are serious. It takes a skilled practitioner to bring regulation to the system; the results are worth it.
After years of trauma healing work, yoga, meditation, plant medicine and more, the subtle
deep work of Transforming Intentional Touch changed my life. I'd love to share this gift with you. Book a connection call.