The key somatic practice to regulate your nervous system so you can expand.
With clients lately, we have been working on cultivating internal safety through nervous system regulation.
Internal safety is, in my experience, the most critical part of our healing journey.
When we feel internally safe (not externally because lions, diseases, racism, etc) we judge, criticize, react, blame and shame less. Feeling safe is the foundation of lasting growth.
If you think about it, a lot of the problems personal development purports to solve, like confidence, love, and success, stem from a lack of safety.
When we learn to regulate our nervous system, it gives us a sense of internal safety, and we can grow in ways that scare us. Our system is less burdened by the feeling of "threat," so we have better health. Our dreams are clearer because the survival voice of fear is quieter. The ways we played small dissolve and we take up space.
In other words, we expand our capacity for life.
Retraining our nervous systems to feel safe can be likened to building a road. Before cars can drive on the new road, the path has to be cleared, and then many layers of road base go down, followed by the road roller and more road base.
Eventually, cars can drive on it.

Replace the road with the nervous system, the engineer with the coach, and the road roller with healing sessions, the cars with your thriving life, and you've got neuroplasticity.
Is the human system not the most amazing thing?! 🤯
This has been my lived experience. When I shifted my somatic practice towards internal safety, things I desired became my lived reality. It didn't happen overnight, just like building a road it took time and many, many passes of the road roller...
If this sounds interesting, I invite you to build a road towards safety and reach out for a complementary connection call. I would LOVE to hear from you.
x nuria