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3 min read
Embodied Ancestral Awakening
My story of awakening my ancestral wisdom and practices If you’re just learning about me, my name is Nuria. It is my given name and it...

3 min read
How intergenerational trauma impacts your sexuality
From my decades of unraveling my trauma and working with others, I've come to a few realizations: Trauma, including sexual, is inherited...

2 min read
A pagan ritual to reclaim sacred sunday
The pagan truth behind "Sacred Sundays" and four ritual suggestions In ancient times, our pagan ancestors (if you're of European descent)...

4 min read
Three initiations that made me who I am today 🌑
How three life initiations led me to the path of the priestess A student recently asked me, " why did you do all the healing to get where...
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