I want you to be more empowered: spiritually and sexually.
Sex & Intimacy | Trauma Healing | Spirituality

I believe thriving is our inherent right.
And it starts with you.
I know it’s possible for women to thrive and experience deep intimacy, immense pleasure, and spiritual power.
I know because my highly sensitive self was once trapped by past trauma and could not imagine thriving. When our nervous system doesn’t feel safe, it unconsciously keeps us stuck.
Here’s the hard truth.
No one heals alone.
It is through the magic of support that your system will feel safe to have your deepest desires.
I didn't get to where I am on my own; I had support.
​Now I share that gift with you.

Meet Nuria
Sex & Intimacy Mentor to Highly Sensitive Women, Embodiment Coach
I came into this work the honest way, through my suffering. Childhood neglect and intergenerational trauma left me with a craggy hole where my self-love, confidence and pleasure should have been.
After recovering from an eating disorder and studying Anthropology at UC Berkeley, I made my way to India where I had the kind of lightning-bolt-holy-shit-moment people write about. Thus began the healing journey of a lifetime and two decades of personal work later, I am free, powerful and fully alive.
Since that life-changing moment on the banks of the sacred river Ganges, 10,000 hours of teaching and training experience and hundreds of students and clients later, I’ve made it my mission to empower women to break cycles of sexual suffering and live the rich life that is their birthright.
I help you liberate your sexuality and embody your power and I do it with pleasure - because healing can be fun, too!
Featured conversations with Nuria
work with me
If you’re struggling with something deeply personal, like sex and intimacy, I know how hard that can be. I want you to know that you are not alone in your experience.
The Embody Method is experience-based, meaning we work "bottom-up" through your body innate wisdom rather than "top-down" through talking.​
Because sex and intimacy happen in the body and not just the mind, we must use the body's wisdom to heal.
Highly sensitive and neurodiverse women benefit from the bottom-up approach as it allows their finely wired nervous system to heal without overwhelming it.​​​