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Wanna know how to release pain and restore pelvic pleasure?

So many women are trapped by pelvic pain. Unable to have they kind of pleasure they desire they develop an unconscious belief that they are broken. I've personally experienced this and let me tell you, you are not broken. That's why I am so excited to share with you a potent practice with you!

Digest long held pain and come home to the pleasure that is your birthright with my 30 minute guided “Pelvic Liberation” practice.

Get instant access plus a video and custom playlist when you sign up below.

Nuria Reed




Nuria is a highly trained sex coach (VITA®), developmental trauma specialist (TEB®), anthropologist, animist practitioner, and professional in transformation. Her approach is somatic-based coaching specifically for sexuality and spirituality.


With 10,000 hours of teaching and training experience and two decades of transformative personal work, Nuria lives, breathes, and embodies liberation through pleasure.


​Learn more about Nuria





I acknowledge the Serrano people, on whose  lands I live and work. I pay my respects to the land and all elders, past, present and emerging.  

© 2014 - 2024 Nuria Reed Enterprises, LLC. All right reserved.

Between the sand and the stars, Joshua Tree, CA.

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